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Amuia lava oe, le pō e! Auā, na ala atu ia te oe le soifua mai o le Aso o le Atua, o le Aso na matou folasia e fai ma sulu o le fa‘aolataga mo tagatanu‘u o lo o alaala i a‘ai o suafa uma, o le ipu o le manumālō a ē na mālō i tausinioga o le fa‘avavau, ma le taeao āfua o le ‘olioli ma le fiafia i le foafoaga ātoa.  

Blessed art thou, O night! For through thee was born the Day of God, a Day which We have ordained to be the lamp of salvation unto the denizens of the cities of names, the chalice of victory unto the champions of the arenas of eternity, and the dawning-place of joy and exultation unto all creation.

Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Twin Births of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh

O le Faamanatuina o le Atoaga o le 200 Tausaga talu ona soifua mai Faifa‘aāliga Māsaga a le Atua, o le Báb ma Bahá’u’lláh... (2017, 2019)


O isi faamatalaga e maua i le tama'i tusi sa saunia i le atoaga o le 200 tausaga talu ona soifua mai Bahá’u’lláh ma le Báb, i le 2017.

More information can be found in a booklet published in 2017 on the centenary of the Births of Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb available here.

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