E matuā uiga ese lava le mālosi o le malamalama o le 'aufa'atasiga e mafai ona fa'apupulaina ai le lalolagi atoa.
So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.
"O outou o fua o le lā’au e tasi, ma lau o le lālā e tasi. 'Ia outou fegalegalea’i o le tasi i le isi i le alofa ma le fealofani, i le fefa'auoa’i ma le māfuta fa'auso."
“Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch. Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship.”

“E mafai ona ‘ausia le fa‘aleleia o le lalolagi i galuega lelei e faia i le loto mamā, atoa ma amioga e ta‘uleleia ma e tausa‘afia.”
Feliua'iga Faaleagaga ma le Nofo Fealofani ~ Social and Spiritual Transformation
“The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds; through commendable and seemly conduct.”

Maota Tapua'i Bahá’í ~ Bahá’í House of Worship

“E leai se mea e sili atu ona suamalie i le lalolagi nai lō le tatalo… O le tūlaga sili ona fa’amanuiaina o le agaga tatalo ma le fa‘atauanau.”
— ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
“There is nothing sweeter in the world of existence than prayer …. The most blessed condition is the condition of prayer and supplication.”
— ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Tala Faasolopito ~ History
“O le Fa’atuatuaga lē suia lea a le Atua, e fa‘avavau mai anamua, e fa’avavau i le lumana‘i… o tagata o le lalolagi, tusa lava po o le ā le lanu po‘o le tapua‘iga, e fa‘aosofiaina manatu lelei mai le Pogai fa‘alelagi e tasi, ma e ‘auga uma atu lava i le Atua e tasi…”
“This is the changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future. ... the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God...”

Ia Novema 2021, sa faamanatuina ai e Bahá’í o Samoa ma Amerika Samoa, faatasi ma le faitau miliona o uō mai isi atunuu o le lalolagi, le soifuaga o ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, O Ia lea sa umia suafa 'ese'ese e pei o: le Uiga Lilo a le Atua, le Faata'ita'iga Atoatoa, ma le Totonugalēmū o le Feagaiga.
In November 2021, the Bahá’ís of Samoa and American Samoa joined millions of friends around the world to celebrate the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Whose titles include the Mystery of God, the Perfect Exemplar and the Centre of the Covenant.
This is the official website of the Bahá'í Community of Samoa and American Samoa developed by the Office of External Affairs and approved by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Samoa and American Samoa © 2022
The background image was taken at Afiamalu, an area near where the Bahá'í House of Worship is located, and has been provided courtesy of Denisa Maňásková © 2022.

For more information, please contact P O Box 1117, Apia, Samoa.
Tel: +685 21353 or 20385.
Email: office@bahaisamoa.ws
Or visit: www.bahai.org